
Square Wave Vs Sinewave UPS for Computers

Square Wave Vs Sinewave UPS for Computers? Most of the UPS, sold for single computer applications, come in the range of Rs 2000/ in India and are square wave UPS, all imported from China, and people buy when they buy a computer to provide backup and protection. They do not realize they are buying a square wave UPS that will damage the computer over time rather than give it protection.


A small UPS for computer protection in square waves can harm computers. Square wave inverters produce a sharp, rectangular voltage waveform that can cause problems for sensitive electronic equipment. This is because the square wave waveform can contain harmonics, which are high-frequency components that can interfere with the operation of the computer’s power supply. In some cases, the harmonics can cause the computer to overheat or damage the components.

For this reason, using a square wave UPS to power a computer is not recommended. If you need to use a UPS to protect your computer from power outages, choosing one that produces a pure sine wave output is important. Pure sine wave UPS are more expensive than square wave UPS but safer for computers.

Here are some of the problems that can occur if you use a square wave UPS to power your computer:

Overheating: The harmonics in the square wave waveform can cause the computer’s power supply to overheat. This can lead to premature failure of the power supply or other components. Rather than protecting the computer, it ensures the square wave UPS damages the power supply or motherboard of the computer, which become non-repairable.
Damage to components: The square wave waveform harmonics can also damage the computer’s power supply components. This can lead to intermittent problems or even permanent damage to the computer.
Noise: The square wave waveform can also produce noise that can interfere with the operation of the computer. This noise can manifest as audio interference, video interference, or data corruption. If you connect the computer speakers, you will get the noise once the UPS comes on the battery mode.
Switching time is higher in the square wave UPS, so sometimes computers will reboot when the power goes or come back, which is also one reason to avoid square wave UPS.
Built-in Stabilizer made by relays. which work for stabilizing the voltage also create harmonics when the UPS is working on the Mains power as the AVR section try to correct the voltage through the switching of relays which in turn produce sparks and spikes in the UPS system which goes directly to the computer.

If you are concerned about the safety of your computer, it is best to use a UPS that produces a pure sine wave output. Pure sine wave UPSs are more expensive than square wave UPS, but they are the only insurance for the computer; otherwise, it’s better not to attach any UPS for the safety of the Computer as the Square wave only creates problems for the computers. Square Wave Vs Sinewave UPS for Computers is a subject which needs to be understood by everyone buying UPS to protect their computer.


Battery Energy Storage compared with Inverter/UPS

Battery Energy Storage Compared with Inverter/UPS. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) offer several benefits over inverters and UPSs, including:

Increased energy efficiency: BESS can store excess energy generated by renewable sources, such as solar and wind, and then use that energy when needed. This can help to reduce the amount of energy that is wasted, and it can also help to improve the efficiency of the overall energy system.
Improved grid reliability: BESS can help to stabilize the grid by providing backup power during outages or periods of high demand. This can help to prevent blackouts and other disruptions to the power supply.

Greater flexibility: BESS can store energy for various purposes, including peak shaving, load shifting, and frequency regulation. This makes them more flexible and versatile in energy storage than inverters or UPSs.
Lower costs: The cost of BESS has been declining in recent years, making them more affordable for a wider range of applications.

Here is a table that summarizes the benefits of BESS over inverters and UPSs:

Energy efficiency Increased and Decreased
Grid reliability Improved Decreased
Flexibility Greater Less
Costs Lower Higher

Overall, BESS offer several advantages over inverters and UPSs. They are more efficient, reliable, flexible, and affordable. As the cost of BESS continues to decline, they are becoming a more attractive option for a wider range of applications.

Here are some additional benefits of BESS:

Can be used to provide backup power during power outages: This is a major benefit for businesses and homes in areas prone to power outages.
Can be used to reduce peak energy demand: This can help to lower electricity bills and reduce the strain on the grid.
It can provide ancillary services to the grid, including frequency regulation and load balancing.
Can be used to store renewable energy: This helps to make renewable energy more reliable and affordable.

If you are considering a battery energy storage system, the battery Energy Storage Compared with Inverter/UPS. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) offer several benefits over inverters and UPSs, including:

Increased energy efficiency: BESS can store excess energy generated by renewable sources, such as solar and wind, and then use that energy when needed. This can help to reduce the amount of energy that is wasted, and it can also help to improve the efficiency of the overall energy system.
Improved grid reliability: BESS can help to stabilize the grid by providing backup power during outages or periods of high demand. This can help to prevent blackouts and other disruptions to the power supply.

Greater flexibility: BESS can store energy for various purposes, including peak shaving, load shifting, and frequency regulation. This makes them more flexible and versatile in energy storage than inverters or UPSs.
Lower costs: The cost of BESS has been declining in recent years, making them more affordable for a wider range of applications.

Here is a table that summarizes the benefits of BESS over inverters and UPSs:

Energy efficiency Increased and Decreased
Grid reliability Improved Decreased
Flexibility Greater Less
Costs Lower Higher

Overall, BESS offer several advantages over inverters and UPSs. They are more efficient, reliable, flexible, and affordable. As the cost of BESS continues to decline, they are becoming a more attractive option for a wider range of applications.

Here are some additional benefits of BESS:

Can be used to provide backup power during power outages: This is a major benefit for businesses and homes in areas prone to power outages.
Can be used to reduce peak energy demand: This can help to lower electricity bills and reduce the strain on the grid.
It can provide ancillary services to the grid, including frequency regulation and load balancing.
Can be used to store renewable energy: This helps to make renewable energy more reliable and affordable.

If you are considering a battery energy storage system, there are a few factors that you should keep in mind. These include the size of your system, the type of battery you want to use, and the cost of the system. You should also ensure the system is compatible with your existing solar panels or other renewable energy sources.

e are a few factors that you should keep in mind. These include the size of your system, the type of battery you want to use, and the cost of the system. You should also ensure the system is compatible with your existing solar panels or other renewable energy sources.


How Entrepreneurs are suffering for personal guarantee under the IBC Law

Personal Guarantee under the IBC and How Entrepreneurs are suffering from personal guarantee under the IBC Law

How Entrepreneurs are suffering for personal guarantee under the IBC Law is a very sensitive subject as the personal guarantee is given by the entrepreneurs against the loan taken by the company, so once the company is admitted into the NCLT, then it should be seized to exist as the loan is taken against the company and for the company purposes unless it is proved that the money taken for the company is used for personal use. Most of the companies admitted into the insolvency process are declared fraud by the banks, so banks have filed cases against those companies. The entrepreneurs are suffering to answer these agencies about what happened ten or 15 years back, and entrepreneurs don’t have any choice. Even though the Supreme Court of India has struck down the Fraud account declaration by the bankers, it is a big relief for the entrepreneurs as their reputation is all at stake by declaring Fraud accounts by the banks. The banks do not take back all the legal cases filed against the entrepreneurs even after the Supreme Court of India declaration, as they will fight against us till our death.ttps://
Kunwer Sachdev picture
Entrepreneurs are kept away during the Valuation of the Company as it’s a secret.
After taking the company from the entrepreneur, once the company is admitted into the insolvency process, there is no right of an entrepreneur or now-called guarantor to be involved while valuation is happening as the company is left to new people who take over the company assets of all kinds, including IPR, Property, Equipment and machinery etc. and try to evaluate without the knowledge of guarantor.
In IBC, there is a provision for the valuation of the assets but without the knowledge of an entrepreneur or guarantor, which is against the principle of natural justice.
What is the purpose of that valuation if that is to be done and has no relevance to the auction price? When the asset is sold, the valuation has no meaning because most companies that go for insolvency get 5% to 20% or may be lower than the loan amount due to the companies.
The Forensic audit people had not asked us questions when doing forensic audits. Now, we are shown those forensic audit reports when all our employees dealing with those matters have left, and we are being penalized. Forensic audit reports are also hidden from us, which is another big challenge.
Valuation Process under the IBC
There are two types of valuations done under the IBC: if the company is healthy, then the valuation is based on the running value of the company, and the other is liquidation value, which is the lowest one can get in a worst-case scenario. I take the case of Su-kam; it was valued at Rs300 Crore as running company value. The Liquidation value was 150Cr. People will be shocked to learn that the company was sold at 49Cr. The properties owned by Su-kam were worth 150 Cr, along with the machinery installed in the factories as we built world-class factories and world-class equipment, as there were two built-up properties in Gurgaon Udyog Vihar and four big running factories in Baddi Himachal Pradesh. I made all the properties from ground zero, and they were sold to some company at the time of the Corona period, and the person paid the entire amount after two years. Until then, litigation was going on, so the other party became the owner in the Corona period by giving bank guarantees. When the money was paid, the property was booming in India. Banks got just 8 Cr as the rest of the money was gone to pay the CIRP cost, which is the debts created for running the company during the CIRP period, like employees’ wages and suppliers’ payments, which were unpaid.
In contrast, the banks ran the company, so the credit taken to run the company and the legal and big four expenses to run the company became the major expenditure during the period the company remained unsold. My question is, who is responsible for this mess? Banks lost their money, entrepreneurs were ruined, employees and suppliers were destroyed, and who benefitted from this process? Ultimately, banks are after the entrepreneurs to revoke the personal guarantee to destroy them further. Where do we entrepreneurs stand in this case?
Then what is the use of those valuations the moment IBC kicks in? Bankers start squeezing the already debited company by slapping all kinds of valuation running by big firms’ legal charges and COC meetings in three-star or 5-star hotels. All sorts of charges are slapped on the already stressed company. How can a stressed company take the burden of all such expenses? Then, they cannot run the company for more than one year. In that one year, sales have dropped, service is not given to the dealers and customers, and no advertising or service budget is spent and credit from the suppliers again on the reputation of an entrepreneur. Salaries are not paid on time, and one day, they get the order from the NCLT court to close the company, and no one can do anything against the banks or RP running the company to close it down. One day, sell the company at a throwaway price and ask the entrepreneur for the rest, knowing he can’t pay that.
When an entrepreneur is running the company, he is very much taking care of the brand value by keeping the brand and the quality of products or services given by the company, but all of a sudden, he is asked to step aside, and the valuation of the company is lost in one stroke. After that, the company, which is stressed, need investment to run it properly, and if banks don’t invest money and put all kinds of expenditure like fees of the Big Four’s people who come and oversee the running of the company, legal expenses, all legal and regulatory expenses which a normal company will not do in day to day running. Once the company is closed down, the preference is to fight legal cases rather than keep funds for employees and services. When I complained to the IBBI board against the Resolution professional and Liquidator, both were found guilty and barred from practising for two years. However, what is my Kasoor for which I got penalized and still fighting the banks to save my life?
Let us compare the same situation where an investor buys the company. He will treat the company and the entrepreneur in a very balanced way, keep the entrepreneur on the board, give him money in the next 3 to 5 years, and treat him like an asset, as the investor knows that upsetting the entrepreneur or the owner can be very harmful for the valuation of the company in present terms and future terms.
In IBC, the entrepreneur or the owner is treated like a criminal during the company’s insolvency process. All kinds of legal cases are slapped on them, resulting in depression. A few try to commit suicide as society thinks badly about them. The news and social media all talk about them as people who made big losses to the public money, and no one talks about them that they created any value and everyone is a thief and dacoit. They must be behind bars, and their families and a few employees are also behind bars or fighting cases endlessly. Any youngster who has seen them suffering wouldn’t like to be an entrepreneur in future.
These people were the perfect role models for these youngsters, but today, they are seen in a bad light.
Maybe some entrepreneurs would have done wrong with the intention, but most of them slogged to create an enterprise, and certain people made it very big.
The brands created by them are valued at almost pennies.
Another factor is the interest burden by the banks, for which the clock continues and never stops. Once you have taken the company from the entrepreneur, the clock should stop there only, or the clock should be put on the company and not on the guarantor, as the guarantor can only pay interest if the company is in his control. The businesses often lost, and the people running them became profitable after a certain period. The loan service is only possible if I have control of the company. Otherwise, the person who runs the corporate debtor should be responsible. There is no means for the entrepreneurs to service the loan or interest accrued. Probably today, the loan amount of 250 Cr taken by the Su-kam is valued at more than 550Cr, and the clock is still running every day for me to pay back.
When building and creating products for Su-kam and running the company, I did only one thing: Su-kam. Even though my family was second to me, now I realize my mistake, and I made a lot of right and wrong decisions in life. My philosophy of life is Decisions are not right and wrong, but the outcome is right and wrong. So, making decisions in life is very important, so I still live with this philosophy of life.
I have completed 60 years and don’t think these cases will be resolved until my death. No help from any quarter as you are tagged as Looser and Failure. Still, I have some good friends who stood with me thick and thin, and few left, which is the normal way of life. In India, once you fail like this, there is no second chance, which was the purpose of this law to take the companies from the promoters who cannot run the companies profitably and give a lease of life to the promoters. Can this law and the environment created around it justify the end? My idea for writing my story is to write my side; the rest is in the hands of the people reading my side to decide. In India, the bad loans story is a one-sided affair where it’s always written that entrepreneurs brought losses to the banks, and they are the bad guys. I hope to write my views on How Entrepreneurs suffer for personal guarantees under the IBC Law.
I’m sure I have become a better man and am improving many things. As you are reading, this blog was written by myself without anyone’s help and was posted on WordPress by myself.
I hope to shed light on How Entrepreneurs suffer for personal guarantees under the IBC Law.

Why You Should Choose a BIS Certified Inverter UPS

Why You Should Choose a BIS-Certified Inverter UPS? A BIS certification is a mandatory requirement for all UPS and inverters that are sold in India. The BIS, or Bureau of Indian Standards, is a government agency responsible for setting standards for products in India. The BIS certification process ensures that UPS and battery inverters meet safety and performance requirements.


Energy Storage system with built-in Lithium battery

Electrical Safety Comprehensive Analyzer for Testing of BIS Standard for Inverter UPS

All UPS and Inverters of Rating up to 10 KVA have been included in the mandatory BIS / CRS Registration Scheme under IS standard – IS 16242 (P-1). This checks the safety standard compliance for the Inverter UPS as they can be risky if not tested for these safety standards. The consumer gets the product passed on the safety test, which is performed on the Electrical Safety Analyser, which is there in the lab of Su-vastika to check all the products manufactured by us. Even in 3-phase Inverters and 3-phase UPS, it plays a major role but is not made compulsorily by the BIS.

There are several benefits to having BIS certification for UPS and inverters. First, it gives consumers peace of mind knowing that their product meets certain safety standards. Second, BIS certification can help manufacturers improve battery inverter UPS and processes. Third, BIS certification can open up new markets for manufacturers, as many countries require that imported products meet certain safety standards.

The Battery  Inverter, Solar Inverter, Solar PCU, Hybrid Solar off-grid Inverter/UPS, Lift Inverter, Energy Storage Systems, and ERD are essential for BIS certification because these products are essential for businesses and homes that need backup power in case of power outage. BIS certification helps to ensure that these products are safe and reliable, which is critical for businesses and homeowners who rely on them. Why You Should Choose a BIS-Certified Inverter UPS is an important topic to discuss.

Here are some of the specific requirements that all the products mentioned above must meet to be BIS certified:

They must be able to withstand High Voltage surges and High Current surges for a certain amount of time, which is an important safety parameter for any Inverter UPS installed at home or office, as inverter UPS can cause fire if the Inverter UPS does not pass this test.
Another important parameter is to check for any leakage current in the System, which might shock the user as most of the Inverter UPS comes in a metal body. Hence, the child and older people are at high risk at home and offices touching them and getting shock.
They must have a battery backup to provide power for a specified time, and during that duration, the product should not cross the heat limits set by the standard.
They must have a safety mechanism that will automatically shut them down if they overheat.
They must be labelled with certain information, such as the manufacturer’s name, model number, power rating, and important safety instructions.

The BIS certification process is important for the Battery Inverter UPS because it helps to ensure that these products are safe and reliable. BIS certification can also help manufacturers to improve the confidence of customers and help them to improve standards and systems.

I hope we know Why You Should Choose a BIS Certified Inverter UPS.


Technology Patents Key to Success for Indian Companies in Global Markets

Technology Patents Key to Success for Indian Companies in Global Markets is an important topic to understand. Technology patents are important in solar off-grid, battery Inverter Heavy Duty UPS Lift Inverter Lift UPS Energy Storage System lithium batteries because they protect the intellectual property of inventors and companies. It helps export because people don’t want any legal cases against them for installing products that don’t have technology patents.
This allows them to recoup research and development costs and prevent others from copying their technology. Patents can also help attract investment and boost innovation in these fields.
The importance of technology patents is growing in India as Govt of India gives much support to increase the practice of filing technology patents. China filed the highest number of technology patents in the world, followed by the USA, which shows the strength of any country in the field of technology.
After checking the technology’s world status, the technology patent is granted, which takes at least two years to get into India.
Here are some of the specific benefits of technology patents in the field of solar power and lithium batteries:















Exports: If the company is into exports, then having technology patents helps a lot in exports, as outside India, the international players always use the patent to their advantage and can block the Customer from entering the country by registering their patents in that particular country.
Incentives by Govt of India when you receive the technology patent: There are financial incentives declared by the central govt and a few state Govt on top of the major financial grant in case you can get the patent granted from the Indian Patent office.

Ranking with international companies: If one gets a patent granted in any field, the company’s status gets elevated, and similar global companies start respecting the company in India.
Safety from legal cases by international companies: Nowadays, when you create a business in India and doing well, then suddenly, an International company comes and files a lawsuit against your company regarding the technology patent, which is very tough to fight as there are hardly any patent is filed in India. This can lead to damages or the business being destroyed overnight for Indian companies.
Can do business with peace: If the company has filed a technology patent, then the company can work in harmony from outside pressure.
Can sell the technology: Nowadays, the company can sell the right to manufacture the product under licence to other companies and can make money.
In Govt tenders, one can be a single vendor: In India, the Central Govt and state govt have given the provision where one can be a single vendor in a tender, and the Purchase committee can award the contract to the single vendor in case of having technology patent by the Indian Patent Office.
Trust is created in the Customer’s mind: a technology patent increases the Customer’s confidence in buying the product from a company.

Technology Patents Key to Success for Indian Companies in Global Markets is a topic to understand for companies who are growing fast and have international competition.

Protect intellectual property: Patents can help protect the intellectual property of inventors and companies, giving them a competitive advantage.
Attract investment: Patents can help to attract investment from venture capitalists and other investors, who are more likely to invest in companies with strong intellectual property portfolios.
Boost innovation: Patents can help to boost innovation by providing incentives for companies to develop new technologies.
Create trust in the employee: The employees working in the company are proud of working with a company with technology patents.
Technology patents are important for protecting intellectual property, attracting investment, boosting innovation, and creating jobs in solar power and lithium batteries.

Technology Patents Key to Success for Indian Companies in Global Markets is clear after this reasoning.


Lithium battery is going to replace Lead Acid Battery Technology

Lithium battery is going to replace Lead Acid Battery Technology.

Lithium batteries will replace Lead Acid Battery Technology, which is the topic to discuss here. The Latest Lithium battery Technology will change the paradigm of storage solutions in the long run, and people are using different type of Lead Acid batteries for storage, which is SMF, Tubular, or SMF technologies. challenges and limitations.

The first limitation is cycle life, as lead-based batteries cannot match the Cycle life of a Lithium battery. In literal terms, the Lead Acid battery life is defined by various parameters. One is refilling the battery water, which is a big challenge for the user as they cannot fill it in time. What kind of water they are supposed to fill is another challenge as they fill with any RO or normal water, which destroys even the normal cycle life. The Gel battery has the challenge of higher temperatures, so the performance goes down if the temperature is higher than a certain defined value.

Lithium battery is a very stable technology that has been proven for almost two decades now, especially LifePO4, a very well-accepted technology. The cycle life varies on the good BMS, which regulates proper charging and discharging, so the battery has minimal heating inside. We can get anywhere between 1500 to 4000 cycles. In contrast, Lead Acid cannot perform more than 400-500 cycles. So, there is a clear edge in terms of cycle life.

Another important factor is capacity at different discharge levels. So Lead Acid batteries are generally designed at C20 design, meaning you can discharge 5% of the storm, and only you will get rated capacity. This is also unavailable as making Lead Acid is crude, and consistent power is challenging. If you discharge at the 50% rating of the battery, generally speaking, it gives you 50% of its rated capacity. Lithium is a C1 battery, so the capacity remains 100% at any load. This is a big difference when we use these batteries for storage purposes like inverters, UPS, and Solar solutions; the Lead Acid backup time can’t match the Lithium battery pack.

Another major challenge is the cell balancing option available in the Lithium battery pack in the BMS, which is one reason that battery life can be achieved as the Lead Acid battery has six cells that cannot be balanced as there is no provision inside the battery. If we need to operate higher DC voltages, then we need the balancing between the batteries, and that’s also not done by the user. So if we need to put 120 V DC, then we need 10 Lead Acid batteries, which take up a big space and can’t be balanced with each other, and the Internal cells of each battery pack are also impossible. The connecting wires take a longer route, which becomes another challenge as each battery takes its own space, and we need to keep them at a distance, which creates wire losses. The Lithium is a single pack and one-fourth of the size of the Lead Acid battery bank. So there are hardly any losses between the battery cells, which keeps minimum losses and cell balancing for each cell is balanced through the BMS. So, in the end, there is no comparison between Lead Acid batteries and Lithium batteries. The industry will be revolutionised in the next five years, and Lead Acid will be out of the storage business. So all the storage devices like Inverters, UPS, Solar inverters, Lift inverters/UPS, Energy Storage Systems, etc., where Lead Acid batteries like Tubular, VRLA, Gel, etc., will be replaced by Lithium battery in future.


What’s Battery Inverter?

A battery inverter is a device that converts direct current (DC) power from a battery into alternating current (AC) power. This allows you to use appliances and devices that require AC power, even when no main power is available.,in%20off%2Dgrid%20solar%20installations.

Battery inverters are commonly used in homes and businesses as a backup power source during power outages. They can also be used in office lifts, Photocopier treadmills, Air conditioners, RVs, boats, and other off-grid applications.

There are two main types of battery inverters:

  • Modified sine wave or Square wave inverters: These inverters produce AC power that is not as smooth as pure sine wave power. This can cause some appliances and devices to operate less efficiently or not at all.
  • Pure sine wave inverters: These inverters produce AC power identical to the power from the mains. This makes them a good choice for appliances and devices sensitive to power quality.
  • Pure Sinewave UPS with ATC: This is the latest technology introduced by Su-vastika to take care of Lead Acid batteries in case of temperature variations. It also can use a lithium battery. This UPS can be charged at very Low voltage conditions as well.

When choosing a battery inverter, you should consider the following factors:

  • The size of the battery bank that you will be using and the type of battery one can use, like Lithium and Tubular battery
  • The amount of AC power that you need to charge the battery as it takes higher wattage for charging the bigger battery inverter
  • The type of appliances and devices you will be using, like Air conditioners or small loads like fans and LED lights etc.
  • The environment in which you will be using the inverter, like the temperature around the battery inverter

Battery inverters can be a valuable investment for homes and businesses prone to power outages. They can also be a convenient way to power appliances and devices in off-grid locations.

Here are some of the benefits of using a battery inverter:

  • Backup power during power outages: Battery inverters can provide backup power during power outages, so you can keep your lights on, run your appliances, and charge your devices.
  • Power for off-grid applications: Battery inverters can power appliances and devices in off-grid locations, such as Homes, Offices, Air Conditioners, Photocopiers, treadmills, fridges, washing machine Geysers, Microwave ovens, RVs, boats, cabins.
  • Efficiency: Battery inverters are highly efficient, converting most of the DC power from the battery into AC power.
  • Reliability: Battery inverters can last many years with proper care.
  • Versatility: Battery inverters can be used with various appliances and devices.

A battery inverter is a good option if you want a reliable and efficient way to power your appliances and devices. Nowadays, it has replaced the Pure Sinewave UPS with ATC technology.


IGBT-Based Heavy Duty UPS & It’s Reliability

IGBT-Based Heavy Duty UPS & It’s Reliability

IGBT, or insulated gate bipolar transistor, is a power semiconductor device used in various applications, including industrial UPS. IGBTs offer several advantages over other types of power devices, including IGBT-Based Heavy Duty UPS & It’s Reliability

IGBT-Based Heavy Duty UPS & It’s Reliability


IGBT-Based Heavy Duty UPS & It's Reliability
IGBT in Heavy Duty UPS

These advantages make IGBTs an ideal choice for use in heavy Duty UPS/Industrial UPS. In Industrial /Heavy Duty UPS, IGBTs convert AC power from the mains into DC power, which is then stored in batteries. In a power outage, the UPS uses the stored DC power to provide uninterrupted AC power to critical loads.

The use of IGBTs in heavy Duty/Industrial UPS offers several benefits, including:

  • Increased efficiency: IGBTs are more efficient than other types of power devices like MOSFETs, which can significantly save energy costs.
  • Improved performance: IGBTs can switch very quickly, which can improve the performance of the UPS in terms of response time and transient suppression.
  • Increased reliability: IGBTs are typically very reliable and can withstand harsh environments compared to Mosfets

IGBT-Based Heavy Duty UPS & It’s Reliability

As a result of these benefits, IGBTs are becoming increasingly popular in industrial UPS applications.

Here are some specific examples of the importance of IGBT in industrial UPS:

  • Increased efficiency: IGBT-based heavy-duty UPS systems are typically more efficient than other power devices. This is because IGBTs can switch quickly, reducing losses and improving efficiency.
  • Improved performance: IGBT-based UPS systems typically have faster response times and better transient suppression than other power devices. This is because IGBTs can switch very quickly, which allows them to respond to changes in a load more rapidly and suppress transients more effectively.
  • Increased reliability: IGBT-based UPS systems are typically more reliable than other power devices. This is because IGBTs are typically very rugged and can withstand harsh environments.

Overall, using IGBT in heavy-duty/Industrial UPS/Inverter offers several benefits, including increased efficiency, improved performance, and reliability. As a result, IGBT-based UPS systems are becoming increasingly popular in industrial applications.


The MCB Testing Machine

The MCB Testing machine tests the MCB for its critical parameters, especially the time for OVerload and Short circuit of any MCB. An MCB, or miniature circuit breaker, is an electrical safety device that protects electrical circuits from overloads and short circuits. MCBs are often used with inverters and UPSs to provide additional protection for these devices.

One of the most critical functions of an MCB in an inverter/UPS system is to trip at a specific time. This means that the MCB will automatically disconnect the power from the inverter/UPS if there is a fault, such as an overload or a short circuit. This helps prevent damage to the inverter/UPS and any connected equipment.


In an inverter/UPS, an MCB is important for tripping in a specific time functionality. This is because an inverter/UPS is a device that converts DC power to AC power and can be susceptible to overloads and short circuits. If an overload or short circuit occurs, the MCB will trip and disconnect the power, preventing damage to the inverter/UPS and the connected equipment.


MCB in the Inverter/UPS MCB installed in UPS

The tripping time of an MCB is essential because it determines how quickly the MCB will trip in the event of an overload or short circuit. A shorter tripping time will help to protect the inverter/UPS and the connected equipment from damage.

The tripping time of an MCB is typically specified in seconds. A typical MCB for an inverter/UPS will have a tripping time of 15 to 45 seconds or more.

Here are some of the benefits of using an MCB in an inverter/UPS:

  • Overload protection: An MCB can help to protect an inverter/UPS from damage caused by an overload. An overload occurs when the current flowing through a circuit exceeds the circuit’s rated current. When an overload occurs, the MCB will trip and disconnect the power, preventing damage to the inverter/UPS.
  • Short circuit protection: An MCB can help protect an inverter/UPS from damage caused by a short circuit. A short circuit occurs when two conductors come into contact, creating a low-resistance path for current to flow. When a short circuit occurs, the MCB will trip and disconnect the power, preventing damage to the inverter/UPS.
  • Tripping at a specific time: An MCB can be configured to trip at a particular time, which can help protect the inverter/UPS and the connected equipment from damage. A shorter tripping time will help to prevent damage to the inverter/UPS and the related equipment.
  • MCB testing machine
    MCB tester

    MCB testing machine printer.MCB testing machine demo


The tripping time of an MCB is usually specified in seconds. Specified tripping time will provide better protection for the inverter/UPS and connected equipment. However, if the tripping time varies, it can lead to nuisance tripping, which can be inconvenient and frustrating for the user as it keeps tripping the home or office power at a smaller overload while the power is available. If the time is increased, there can be a fire before the MCB trip in the Inverter/UPS.

Selecting an MCB with a tripping time that is appropriate for the application is essential. For example, an MCB that is used to protect a small inverter/UPS that is used for home use may not need to have as short a tripping time as an MCB that is used to protect a large inverter/UPS that is used in a commercial setting.

In addition to tripping in a specific time, MCBs also offer many other benefits, such as:

Overcurrent protection: An MCB will trip if the current flowing through it exceeds the rated current. This helps prevent damage to the inverter/UPS and any connected equipment.

Short circuit protection: An MCB will trip if there is a short circuit in the circuit. This helps prevent excessive current flow, which can damage the inverter/UPS and any connected equipment.

Overload protection: An MCB will trip if the current flowing through it exceeds the rated current for a sustained time. This helps prevent overheating the inverter/UPS and any connected equipment.

We designed our MCB TESTER in-house and made it essential for our IQC process for MCBs. 

Since MCB is a mechanical device, it’s very tough for the manufacturer to maintain the timings of tripping on overload and short circuits.

Tripping time is the most critical parameter for our product functionality.

 Our RnD team made this MCB tester with a built-in printer so that the results are printed.

After installing this MCB testing Machine, our failure became zero, and the supplier became more conscious of supplying us with the MCB and started improving the quality. The supplier is pressured to maintain the quality of supplying to Su-vastika.


Efficient Testing Solutions for Inverter/UPS and Solar Inverters

The RnD team of Su-vastika develops an automatic testing machine for testing inverter/UPS. We created this Machine to test our products and parameters, which we feel is essential for us to try as we need continuous up-gradation of these parameters. We are developing a new range of products in power backup and storage solutions with Solar and Lithium batteries.
Efficient Testing Solutions for Inverter/UPS and Solar InvertersWe use the Power Analyzer to test our parameters in various inverter, UPS, and online UPS models. Solar Inverters. Solar PCU. Heavy Duty UPS and Energy Storage Systems. We have different software to test those parameters for a diverse range of products. So, for exEfficient Testing Solutions for Inverter/UPS and Solar Invertersample, we try our Pure Sinewave UPS with an ATC model on an Automatic Testing Machine for which we have these parameters to select.

Inverter Testing Tool's Display
Inverter Testing Tool’s Display

Inverter Testing Zig Setup
Inverter /UPS Testing  Setup

Efficient Testing Solutions for Inverter/UPS and Solar Inverters

We have these critical parameters that are automatically tested on this Machine. These parameters are:

No Load Output Voltage

No Load DC Current

THD Voltage

THD Current


Full load DC Current 


LA charging Current

Tubular charging current

Mains UPS Low Cut voltage

We read the values of these parameters through the Power Analyser installed in this Machine, and we have preset the parameters oEfficient each model into the system. When we select this product moEfficient Testing Solutions for Inverter/UPS and Solar Invertersdel, all the parameters fed into the system come on the screen. The operator clicks the screen Tesrt button, and the Machine starts testing these parameters individually. It takes almost two minutes to try the operator, and all these parameters are tested along with the values. Once tested, the Printer prints out the Sticker, creating the automatic QR code sticker having the serial no generated automatically. This QR code has a lot of information and the serial no of the product. After testing, the operator takes the Sticker and sticks it on the back of the product, and four stickers are printed, which can be placed in various places such as on the packaging box and warranty card, etc.

Inverter Testing Tool's Result
Inverter Testing Tool’s Result

QR Code with Model name Printing Machine of Testing Result
QR Code with Model name Printing Machine of Testing Result

Efficient Testing Solutions for Inverter/UPS and Solar Inverters

Printed Sticker Pasted on the back panel of UPS/Inverter
Printed Sticker Pasted on the back panel of UPS/Inverter

Once the product is tested, the data of each product goes on the cloud server AWS, for which we have a dedicated application software with AI. This cloud-based software stores the data of each product, and we have a lot of analytics built into this software, which can tell us about the operator efficiency and the product failure data; the repeated problems in the testing and complete traceability are maintained.

Tested Parameters values and Status On Cloud
Tested Parameters values and Status On Cloud

If a product fails, the data and serial number are kept. If the product fails in testing, the serial number is created, and the forgotten items are printed on the Sticker, which helps our repair department recheck these areas. After repair, the product is tested with the same serial number, and this data is stored in our cloud server for future traceability. All these cloud data are merged with our CRM server for customer traceability along with this data. We have already filed the technology patent for this Testing machine in the Indian Patent Office.

Under the Make in India campaign, we can compete with China regarding technology and price.

Here are some of the benefits of using an automatic testing machine for testing UPS/Inverter

We don’t need trained engineers to test the products

Increased accuracy and repeatability of test results
Reduced test time
Increased safety for technicians
Traceability on a digital cloud server

The QC Engineer required no manual intervention

The Printer helps in output data display.