+The Story of Kunwer Sachdev covered by Media
This is an article about Kunwer Sachdev’s blog on the Times of India website. It discusses job descriptions and their importance in the hiring process. In India, many organizations fail to create detailed job descriptions. This can lead to confusion and problems during the hiring process. The author of the blog is Kunwer Sachdev, an entrepreneur and innovator.

The Story of Kunwer Sachdev covered by Media
Dark horse

Meet man who once used to sell pens on streets, now owns Rs 2300 crore company, got idea from…
Setting goals and achieving goals are two different things because winners and losers have the same goals, but most fail and few win. Kunwar Sachdev is one such example of achieving his goal. The saying “one thought changes your entire life” is often heard but rarely demonstrated. Kunwar Sachdev, for example, used to make a little money by selling pens door to door. One day, however, he had an idea and decided to invest some money to launch a successful business that is now operating not just in India but also in many other countries.