The hum of the inverter, a constant, reassuring presence in countless Indian homes, was a testament to Kunwer Sachdev’s vision. “Su-Kam,” he mused, the name echoing his decades of work, “powering lives.” Yet, even the Inverter Man of India couldn’t power his way out of a pre-diabetic diagnosis in 2005.
“It started with my eyesight,” Kunwer recalled, a flicker of concern in his eyes. “I remember returning from a Nepal tour in April 2005, and my vision was blurred, intermittent. That was my first signal. The moment I landed in Delhi, I called Dr. Amitabh Parti.” I was having Blood pressure disease for which i was already having the medicine and if I have to eat the medicine for the BP and blood Sugar then it will not stop any where.

“He told me to come in the morning,” Kunwer continued, “and after various tests, including an HbA1c, he showed me the results. 7.1. Pre-diabetic.” A pause, a moment of reflection. “It was a shock. My company was growing rapidly. I was traveling constantly, meeting dealers, distributors, keeping my employees motivated. Five days a week on the road. Diet? Exercise? It felt impossible.”
“But I made a promise to myself,” Kunwer declared, his voice firm. “I wouldn’t bow to this disease. I’d take it head-on.” He then mentioned a book that proved pivotal to his journey. “I read ‘Reversal of Diabetes’ by Dr. Neal Barnard. That book changed my life completely.”

His journey was a testament to the complexities of managing Type 2 diabetes. He sought answers, searching for a guide through the labyrinth of blood sugar levels and dietary restrictions. He found a kindred spirit in the late Dr. Sujeet Jha, a brilliant mind dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of diabetes. “Dr. Jha’s passion was infectious,” Kunwer recalled, a hint of sadness in his voice, “he understood the disease on a profound level. His early passing was a great loss.”
Then came Dr. Amitabh Parti, a steady hand, a beacon of clarity. “Dr. Parti,” Kunwer emphasized, “he was different.” Unlike many, Dr. Parti wasn’t just about prescriptions. He was about empowerment. He saw the patient, not just the disease. He preached the gospel of holistic health: diet, exercise, and mental well-being, a trifecta for managing diabetes.
“He gave me a glucose meter,” Kunwer explained, “a tool to understand my body’s language.” Later, the invasive glucose monitor, the LibreLink application, became his constant companion, a window into the intricate dance of his blood sugar. He experimented, meticulously tracking his body’s responses to food, exercise, and even his moods.

“I learned how fasting impacted my levels,” Kunwwer said, his voice filled with newfound knowledge, “how to break a fast without spiking my sugar. I discovered the delicate balance of dinner, the importance of a regulated bedtime glucose level.” The major change was my exercise routine where I was very discipline in my running and started doing swimming in summers which changed my structure from 72 Kgs to 62Kgs.
He embraced exercise, a challenge he initially thought insurmountable. The Airtel marathon, a distant dream, became a reality. “Running, swimming,” he recounted, “I pushed myself, and the results were undeniable. Ten kilograms lighter, and my HbA1c consistently below 6, sometimes creeping to 6.5, but always returning.”
He showed me the pictures on his phone. “Look, this graph shows how my sugar reacted after a bowl of lentils, and this one after a swim.” The app displayed a visual representation of his dedication.
“It wasn’t easy,” Kunwer admitted, “there were moments of laziness, of overzealousness. But Dr. Parti’s motivation, his unwavering support, kept me on track.”
He spoke of the trust he placed in Dr. Parti, the rapport built over two decades. “He’s more than a doctor,” Kunwer said, “he’s a guide, a mentor.”
“Controlling diabetes is both easy and tough,” Kunwer concluded, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Easy because the tools are there, the knowledge is available. Tough because it requires discipline, a complete understanding of the disease, and a doctor who truly cares.”
He paused, then added, “I hope my story inspires others. Find a doctor like Dr. Parti, a partner in your health journey. And remember, even the Inverter Man had to learn to power his own life, one disciplined step at a time.”