
Kunwer Sachdev: The Solar Innovator Transforming India

Solar Man of India: The Innovator and Visionary

Solar Man of India: The Innovator and Visionary

Solar Man Of India: One of the finest innovators, marketers, motivational speakers, and visionary businessmen of our time is Kunwer Sachdev, founder of Su-Kam Power Systems, India’s premier provider of power solutions. Kunwer Sachdev, like Thomas Edison, has cemented his place in history by founding one of the most admired Indian businesses and revolutionizing the power backup sector.

  • Under the guidance of Kunwer Sachdev, Khushboo Sachdev launched a new business called Su-vastika
  • She created this new company with financial assistance from Kunwer’s friends and family.
  • Her own struggles compelled her to do so, and there was no turning back after that.

Success Story: The introduction of electricity transformed our way of life for decades, but the growing number of shortages and their lengthening frequency have made another invention necessary. Behind the scenes, a game changer with a non-technical background was putting in his hard work and commitment as this awful state of electricity deficit persisted for years. Kunwer Sachdev is widely known as Solar Man of India for his contributions and became the face of the power backup sector in India and the brains behind Su-Kam, one of the most progressive and rapidly expanding businesses in the country.

Kunwer Sachdev: Rags To Riches

A real “rags to riches” story, Kunwer Sachdev was raised by a railway clerk in Delhi’s Punjabi Bagh neighborhood while dreaming of starting his own company one day. Following his graduation from college in 1984, he started working full-time in his brother’s pen business. He attended a public school where the curriculum was taught in Hindi. He quickly recognized the potential in the field of power backup because he was a visionary from an early age. Due to the challenges of a severe power deficit, he made the decision to shut down his cable TV business and start Su-Kam in 1998. He has since launched numerous additional enterprises, but he has maintained the same Su-Kam throughout his entrepreneurial career for all of his ventures. But where did the name Su-Kam originate? The initials of his daughter’s name, his name, and the names of his future children were once combined in Kunwer’s mind to form the name of his company.

Solar Man of India: The Innovator and Visionary

Su-Kam- The Unmatched Product

He had a difficult time raising money for his business, so it surprised him when clients returned his first 100 inverters due to issues. Never one to give up, he improved his invention and fixed all the flaws to make it better than anything else on the market. Before making cold calls to prospective new clients, he first spoke with a number of his cable TV clients. Realizing that selling to people directly would not help him grow his business, he started approaching dealers and wholesalers. The majority of producers quickly realized that Su-Kam was unmatched in terms of product quality and price, even though the market was already crowded at the time.

Su-Kam: Monopoly

They were therefore compelled to accept Kunwer’s proposals in order to become his company’s initial partner. Soon after, Su-Kam became the first company in the industry to start exporting its products to the aforementioned markets. Kunwer started expanding his business during this time by visiting other nations. Kunwer surmounted new barriers brought on by governmental restrictions, corporate traditions, legal frameworks, and rivalries to establish Su-Kam as a household name in many of these countries. For his achievements, Kunwer Sachdev was given various awards, including the “Bharat Shiromani” and the Ernst and Young “Entrepreneur of the Year” titles.

Solar Man of India: The Innovator and Visionary

Su-Kam Bankruptcy

Su-Kam Power Systems Limited filed for bankruptcy as a result of a string of tragic events, and Kunwer Sachdev was forced to quit the company he had considered his own for 32 years of his career and distance himself from it after getting involved in various legal disputes. The man who altered the landscape of India’s power backup industry was forced to fight his toughest battle. The business was closed for two years (April 2019-April 2022). There was no help available. Nobody was answering the phone calls or responding to emails. Dealers and customers both suffered greatly during this time.

Khushboo Sachdev: A Blessing In Disguise

Customers, distributors, suppliers, and other company associates were left with a void following Kunwer Sachdev’s departure from the business that he started and oversaw from its beginning until 2018. Customers and dealers both suffered because they had unsold goods and services on their hands, and there was no way to resolve any warranty claims from customers. After great effort and difficulty, Kunwer Sachdev’s wife, Khushboo Sachdev, stepped up to assist him in these circumstances.

Solar Man of India: The Innovator and Visionary

Su-Vastika And The Power Woman

Under the guidance of Kunwer Sachdev, Khushboo Sachdev launched a new business called Su-vastika with a lot of assistance and support from friends and family. She created this new company with financial assistance from Kunwer’s friends and family despite having no prior experience in business management. Her own struggles compelled her to do so, and there was no turning back after that. She met people, made plans, and was aware of every step. Although she was inexperienced, she started Su-vastika with a team thanks to her tenacity and enthusiasm. She made do with her children and elevated Su-vastika.

Solar Man of India: The Innovator and Visionary

The brand experience, according to Kunwer, begins inward and moves outward from there. It is for this reason that, on the one hand, he provided fresh challenges for his employees to advance their abilities. On the other hand, he observed all the holidays with fervor and took several steps to strengthen the bonds among his team members. The establishment of one of the most admired Indian firms, which revolutionized the power backup market, has earned Kunwer Sachdev his place in history, just like Thomas Edison did. And he is not done yet.

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