Kunwer Sachdev – Inverter Man of India | Power Backup, Success, Failure | Business Podcast – Ep 01

Solar Clap interview with Kunwwer Sachdev
Solar Clap interview with Kunwwer Sachdev
  • SolarClap’s Podcast:
    • SolarClap hosts a business podcast series, and they have featured Kunwer Sachdev.
    • The podcast focuses on Kunwer Sachdev’s journey, particularly his contributions to the energy industry, moving from lead-acid to lithium batteries.
    • It appears the podcasts are available on the SolarClap youtube channel, and information about them are on the solarclap.com website.
  • Key Focus:
    • The podcast delves into Kunwer Sachdev’s entrepreneurial experiences, the challenges he overcame, and his insights into the future of the energy sector.

To find the podcast, you can search for “Solar Clap” on YouTube, and then navigate to their podcast section, or search on the solarclap.com website. https://youtu.be/C15-E5y3qqM?si=E1CXBO3Zg0uddRjx