Started with Cable TV

My journey began in 1988 with Su-kam, starting with Cable TV Systems, my first venture. While many may be surprised to learn that Su-kam’s origins lie in cable television rather than inverters, this is a crucial part of the company’s history.

Initially, Su-kam focused on small-scale projects, such as installing Master Antenna Television (MATV) and Community Antenna Television (CATV) systems for hotels and apartment complexes. These systems involved setting up shared antennas and VCRs to distribute television signals throughout buildings.

At the time, cable television was a revolutionary concept in India. VCRs were expensive, and renting cassettes was a recurring cost. Cable TV offered a more affordable solution, allowing multiple households to watch the same film on a single VCR and distribute the signal through a cable network. This innovation spurred the growth of a new industry.

Capitalizing on this opportunity, I transitioned Su-kam into the cable TV business, manufacturing components like amplifiers, modulators, and directional couplers. This marked my foray into small-scale manufacturing. I assembled a small team to produce these parts and install cable TV systems for local providers.